
Good Education Starts From Great Teachers

Apoorva D. Patel

Convenor of IQTI & Professor at the Centre for High Energy Physics, IISc.

He is notable for his work on quantum algorithms, and the application of information theory concepts to understand the structure of genetic languages. His major field of work has been the theory of quantum chromodynamics, where he has used lattice gauge theory techniques to investigate spectral properties, phase transitions, and matrix elements.

Email: adpatel at iisc dot ac dot in

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Arindam Ghosh

Professor in the Department of Physics, IISc

His research group is involved in investigating structural, electrical and magnetic properties of various nanoscale systems. His research interests extend from fundamental quantum mechanical effects on charge and spin states in nanosystems, to carbon-based electronics, critical behavior in smart materials, to new schemes of sensing with nano/micro-electromechanical sensors.

Email:  arindam at iisc dot ac dot in
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Abha Misra

Associate Professor at the Department of Physics

Her group works on various aspects of nano and micro systems to study interfaces between different physical phenomena at nanoscale. Multidimensional carbon lattices including graphene, carbon nanotubes and quantum dots are being investigated for optoelectronic, gas sensing, self-powered as well as actuation devices at large scale. The device design paradigm is established through bio mimicking of natural systems for self-sustained network where two-dimensional van der Waals interfaces are largely utilized for spontaneous conduction mechanism.

Email: abha at iisc dot ac dot in
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Abhishek Singh

Associate Professor at the Material Research Centre, IISC

His research interests include quantum ab-initio theory for real materials, machine learning and material database generation, hydrogen generation and storage, mechanical, structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of nanostructures, theory of defects, impurities, doping and diffusion in bulk and reduced dimensional systems, thermal and electrical transport and quasiparticle and optical excitations. His group has found several ultra-low and ultra-high lattice thermal conductivity materials and developed a ML model to predict thermal conductivity of a large class of materials using physics driven four parameters.

Email: abhishek at iisc dot ac dot in
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Akshay Naik

Associate Professor at Nanoscience and Engineering, IISc

He conducts research in the areas of nano electromechanical systems, nonlinear dynamics, MEMS and NEMS sensors, and quantum measurements.  His group has demonstrated the use of mechanical nanoresonator to enhance or reduce the energy exchange between the vibrational modes and the suitability of metallic carbon nanotubes(CNTs) as thermo-optic tuners.

Email: anaik at iisc dot ac dot in
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Akshay Singh

Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, IISc

His lab uses a variety of optical and electron spectroscopy tools to characterize synthesized and naturally occurring materials. The group focuses on the measurement of fundamental dynamics, to discover new physical phenomena, and synthesize non-naturally occurring materials leading to advances in opto-electronics and quantum computing. Email: aksy at iisc dot ac dot in

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Ambarish Ghosh

Associate Professor at Centre for Nanoscience and Engineering, IISc

He is known for his contributions on nanorobots, active matter physics, plasmonics, and metamaterials. His group has wide interests in studying light-matter interactions in novel nanoscale systems, ranging from electron bubbles in superfluid helium to helical nanoplasmonic devices, and magnetic nano-propellers. Email: ambarish at iisc dot ac dot in

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Ananth Govind Rajan

Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering at IISc

In the areas related to IQTI, his group is interested in the use of quantum-mechanical simulations to model the synthesis of two-dimensional (2D) materials and structure-property relationships in doped and defective 2D materials. Among other research areas, Ananth’s group also works on combined quantum and classical simulations to model nanofluidic and interfacial phenomena and the electro/thermocatalytic activity of 2D materials and single-atom catalysts. Email: ananthgr at iisc dot ac dot in

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Anindya Das

Associate Professor of the Physics department IISc

His group works in the area of quantum transport of nano-devices at ultra-low temperatures and high magnetic fields using reduced dimensions like two-dimensional graphene, two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides, topological insulator, one-dimensional nanowires and their hybrids. Their pioneering transport studies on emerging two-dimensional materials are followings: Transport properties of graphene-Moiré superlattices; Compressibility studies to unravel electron interactions in graphene quantum-Hall systems; Unconventional Andreev reflection at the graphene-superconductor junction; Anomalous coulomb drag in dimensionally mismatched heterostructures; Quantum noise to unravel the edge dynamics in ultra-clean graphene p-n junction; Thermal transport in integer and fractional quantum Hall states of graphene; Light-matter interaction in atomically thin p-n junction. Email: anindya at iisc dot ac dot in

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Anshu Pandey

Associate Professor at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Uni

His research is aimed at understanding new physical properties that emerge in nanoscale matter. His group recently demonstrated ground state charge transfer between semiconductor nanocrystals, leading to the formation of “compounds” where individual quantum dots take the place of atoms. Yet other efforts in his lab are devoted to the development of semiconductors composed of earth abundant non-toxic elements, novel methods of synthesis and building materials with unusual properties. Email: anshup at iisc dot ac dot in

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Asha Bharadwaj

Assistant Professor Department of Applied Physics

The main focus of her research group is on fabrication of high quality quantum dots. At present her group is working on colloidal carbon quantum dots and Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) Quantum dots. Some part of her work is also dedicated to optimization of Quantum dots precipitation in a glass host. Email: asha at iisc dot ac dot in

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Aveek bid

Associate Professor of experimental condensed physicist

His research interests are in quantum transport in mesoscopic devices and low-dimensional superconductors with a view toward a fundamental understanding of the quantum phenomenon and developing high-sensitivity nanoscale material and light sensors. His research group specializes in creating high-quality heterostructures of two-dimensional materials. By altering the band structures of these materials using external physical parameters, they impart novel physical, optical, electrical, and magnetic properties distinct from those of the parent materials.

Email:aveek at iisc dot ac dot in 

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Baladitya Suri

Assistant Professor of Applied Physics

His group is interested in quantum information and quantum computation with superconducting circuits in particular, and solid-state circuits in general. His current work also involves coupling superconducting artificial atoms to propagating phonons on the surface of a piezoelectric substrate to realise the acoustic analogue of quantum optics— quantum acoustics. Another area of interest is that of single photon generators and detectors in the microwave regime. Email: surib at iisc dot ac dot in

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Bhagwati Prasad

Associate Professor of Materials Engineering

His research interests are in Electronic and Magnetic Materials and Devices; Spintronic, Iontronics, Ferroelectrics, and Magnetoelectrics; Non-volatile memory; MRAM, FeRAM, RRAM, and PCM; DNA storage; AI Hardware Materials and Devices; Neuromorphic computing; and 3D sensors for Virtual and Augmented realities.

Email: bpjoshi at iisc dot ac dot in
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Bikramjit Basu

Professor at the Material Research Centre, IISc

His research group has effectively applied the principles and tools of these disciplines to develop the next generation implants and bioengineering solutions to address unmet clinical needs for musculoskeletal, dental, and neurosurgical applications. Encompassing experimental discovery, theoretical predictions, computational analysis, and clinical translational research, his research group has laid the foundation for biomechanically-compliant design of implants, 3D binderjet printing of biomaterials, science of biocompatibility and bioengineering strategies, to advance the field of biomaterials science and regenerative engineering; thereby impacting human healthcare. Email: bikram at mrc dot iisc dot ernet dot in

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Chandan Kumar

Associate Professor Nano Science and Engineering IISc

His research interest is aimed at fabricating novel low-dimensional materials, ranging from 1D carbon nanotube to 2D van der Waals heterostructures, and understanding their emergent phenomena using various electrical transport and quantum imaging techniques at cryogenic temperature. In addition, the group is also involved in developing novel scanning probe techniques to visualize electrons in mesoscopic devices. Email: kchandan at iisc dot ac dot in

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Chandni Usha

Assistant Professor of Applied Physics

Her group studies electron transport in a variety of low dimensional semiconductor and metallic systems and in particular, two-dimensional electron systems in graphene and other layered materials, van der Waals heterostructures and ultrathin metallic wires. Other research interests include piezotronics and sensing using two dimensional materials and heterostructures. Email: chandniu at iisc dot ac dot in

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C. M. Chandrashekar

Assistant Professor of Applied Physics

His research interests are in the area of quantum information processing, quantum communication and quantum computation and in particular he is interested developing quantum algorithms to simulate quantum phenomenon in nature. Along with theoretical work, his group also works on experiments with single and entangled photons for applications in quantum information processing tasks.

Email: chandracm at iisc dot ac dot in
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Chetan Singh Thakur

Assistant Professor of Electronic Systems Engineering

His research expertise lies in neuromorphic computing, mixed-signal VLSI systems, computational neuroscience, probabilistic signal processing, and machine learning. His research interest is to understand the signal processing aspects of the brain and apply those to build novel intelligent systems. Email: csthakur at iisc dot ac dot in

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Chiranjib Bhattacharyya

Professor of Computer Science and Automation

His research interests are in foundations of Machine Learning, Optimisation and their applications to Industrial problems. His group actively pursues applications in the area of computational biology, object detection in images, video segmentation and summarization, detection of rare topics in text documents, and statistical modeling of computer systems. Email: chiru at iisc dot ac dot in

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Dhavala Suri

assistant professor at the Center for nanoscience and engineering

Her research interests are into synthesis of high quality epitaxial thin films of 3D topological insulators, magnetic semiconductors, and superconductors.
The group studies electronic properties of nano-devices of material interfaces that combine aspects of topology, superconductivity and magnetism for applications in quantum technology.

Email: dsuri at iisc dot ac dot in

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Debdeep Sarkar

Assistant Professor at the Electrical Communication Engineering

His group (iDARE) aim to resolve problems on antennas, Radars and general electromagnetics (classical & quantum), relevant for the next generation information & communication Technology, health-care, security/defense and energy sector, by carrying out component, algorithm as well as system level research. The works at iDARE involve theoretical and computational algorithm development for electromagnetic modelling, as well as development of experimental setups and testbeds.

Email: debdeep at iisc dot ac dot in
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Himanshu Tyagi

Assistant Professor of Electrical Communication Engineering

Associate Faculty at the Robert Bosch Center for Cyber Physical Systems. He conducts research in the areas of information theory, statistics, cryptography, machine learning, distributed intelligence systems, and socio-technical systems. Email: htyagi at iisc dot ac dot in

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Jaydeep K Basu

Professor in the Department of Physics, IISc

His research interests include soft condensed matter physics, physics of biological systems, nanophotonics, quantum plasmonics, topological photonics. His group has developed considerable expertise in fabrication of single photon emitting quantum emitters as well as their arrays which can be readily coupled to optical and metamaterial templates. His group’s work in the area of light-matter interactions at the nanoscale is well recognized. Email: basu at iisc dot ac dot in

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Kausik Majumdar

Associate Professor of Electrical Communication Engineering

His research group uses a combination of theoretical and experimental techniques to investigate the electrical and optoelectronic properties of low dimensional materials and their nanostructures. They also explore the possibilities of applying these properties to develop novel devices, encompassing the entire spectrum of device design and simulation, device fabrication using state of the art semiconductor fabrication techniques, and device characterization using various electrical, optical and spectroscopic techniques. Email: kausikm at iisc dot ac dot in

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Manish Jain

Associate Professor in the Department of Physics, IISc

His research focuses on theoretical investigations of structural, electronic, and optical properties of materials from first principles using density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory, application of these methods to calculate experimentally observable properties of defects in solids and the development of new methods to calculate material properties.

Email: mjain at iisc dot ac dot in
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Mayank Shrivastava

Assistant Professor of Electronic Systems Engineering IISc

His group works on the science and technology of electron devices, having focus on power semiconductor devices as well as nanoscale / beyond Si CMOS for SoC applications. Given a strong focus on the semiconductor technology for the future electronics, the group also work on a multitude of science threads like (i) physics of semiconductor device reliability, (ii) electro-thermal / electron – phonon interaction in beyond Si materials / devices, (iii) thermometry and thermal / phonon transport in these materials / devices. Email: mayank at iisc dot ac dot in

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Nandy S K

professor in the Department of Computational and Data Sciences

His conducts research in the areas of application specific instruction set processor architecture, reconfigurable high performance processor architectures, systems on silicon, compiling techniques for low power, architectural synthesis of high performance VLSI systems, parallel/pipelined low latency, high throughput arithmetic unit architectures, multi-threaded architecture and global shared memory cache coherence protocols. Email: nandy at iisc dot ac dot in

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Navaneeth Ravichandran

Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering Department IISc

He is interested in studying the electronic and thermal properties of semiconductors and metals. Specifically, his group focuses on developing computational and experimental tools to probe the microscopic, quantum-mechanical interactions among energy carriers that drive these macroscopic properties. Email: navaneeth at iisc dot ac dot in

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Navin Kashyap

Professor Electronics Communication Engineering IISc

His research interests include Coding for Data Communication and Storage, Information-Theoretic Security, Source Coding, Data Compression, Data Synchronization, Symbolic Dynamics and Discrete Applied Mathematics.

Email: nkashyap at iisc. ac. in
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Pavan Nukala

Assistant Professor for Nanoscience and Engineering, IISc

His research interests are in correlated systems, ferroelectric and multiferroic thin films, topological defects and functions in context of quantum computation, in situ electro microscopy and spectroscopy, material networks for neuromorphic computing, phase change materials and thin film X-ray diffraction. Email: pnukala at iisc dot ac dot in

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Rahul Pandit

Professor in the Department of Physics, IISc

His research interests include problems in condensed-matter theory, phase transitions, statistical mechanics and nonlinear dynamics. He is known for his research on phase transitions and spatiotemporal chaos and turbulence. Email: rahul at iisc dot ac dot in

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Rajamalli P

Assistant Professor at the Materials Research Centre

Her research group focuses on developing organic materials for organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and mainly working on Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) Emitters, Host and Electron Transporting Materials, Conventional Fluorescence Emitters, and hyperfluorescence emitters. Dendron/dendrimer-based materials for solution-processed OLEDs. Other research interest includes organic emitters functionalised hybrid quantum dots for multiple applications. Email: rajamalli at iisc dot ac dot in 

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N. Ravishankar

professor at the Materials Research Centre, IISc

He is known for his studies on nanostructured materials and the primary research in his lab focuses on wet-chemical synthesis, characterization and assembly of functional inorganic nanostructures for a variety of applications.

Email: nravi at mrc dot iisc dot ernet dot in
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Sanjit Chatterjee

Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Automation

He works primarily in applied cryptography and information security with a special emphasis on practice-oriented provable security. Fascinated by the interplay of functionality, security and efficiency of cryptographic protocols, he conducts research in public key cryptography, identity-based cryptography, security protocols for cloud, pairing-based cryptography and quantum safe cryptography. Email: sanjit at iisc dot ac dot in

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Satish A. Patil

professor at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit

The central theme of his group research is focused on the rational design and synthesis of organic materials for singlet fission, optoelectronic and electrochemical devices. The spin-entangled exciton states produced by singlet fission in organic molecules have potential applications in quantum technology. The research conducted in his group provided compelling evidence on the significance of electronic spin density distribution in facilitating efficient intramolecular singlet exciton fission (iSEF) in π-bridged pentacene dimers.

Email: spatil at iisc dot ac dot in

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Saurabh Chandorka

Assistant Professor Centre for Nanoscience and Engineering

His research interests include energy loss mechanisms in micro/nano scaled resonators, wafer scale packaging for MEMS, human-computer modality enhancements and low-cost system development for IC fabrication and characterization. Email: saurabhc at iisc dot ac dot in

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Shankar K Selvaraja

Assistant Professor Centre for Nanoscience and Engineering

His research area spans widely from material development to complex photonic device and integrated circuits. His group focuses on developing integrated photonics technology on a variety of substrates for data communication, signal processing and sensor applications.

Email: shankarks at iisc dot ac dot in
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Shayan Srinivasa Garani

Assistant Professorof Electronic Systems Engineering

His research contributions in the field of quantum science and technology are in quantum error correction, quantum coded networks and fault-tolerant quantum computing, linking physics and electrical sciences. The research emphasis is on solid mathematical foundations and algorithms leading to system-level architectures for harnessing entanglement towards a broad range of quantum information processing applications.

Email: shayangs at iisc dot ac dot in
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Sheetal Kumar Jain

the solid-state and structural chemistry unit (SSCU)

the solid-state and structural chemistry unit (SSCU) at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) as an Assistant Professor in 2021. His research interests are understanding spin dynamics, designing new methods for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP), and applications of magnetic resonance based spectroscopic methods.

Email: skj at iisc dot ac dot in
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S. A. Shivashankar

Professor at the Material Research Centre, IISc

He conducts research in development of chemical precursors, MOCVD of oxide thin films, ALD of metals and metal oxides, thermodynamic modelling of the CVD process, microstructure development in MOCVD-grown films and properties of thin films. He is a lead investigator on the Indian Nanoelectronics Users Programme (INUP), a mission that makes the device fabrication and characterization facilities at IISc to researchers in various organizations throughout India. Email: shivu at iisc dot ac dot in

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Subroto Mukerjee

Associate Professor in the Department of Physics, IISc

His research interests include transport in strongly correlated systems, thermalization and many-body localization in quantum systems, physics of correlated cold atoms and statics and dynamics of lower dimensional quantum systems.

Email: smukerjee at iisc dot ac dot in
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Sudhir Vempati

Associate Professor at the Centre for High Energy Physics, IISc

He conducts research in the field ” Physics Beyond the Standard Model ” of Elementary Particle Physics.  His group tries to build extensions of the standard model which can accommodate solutions to problems like hierarchy problem, non-zero neutrino masses, dark matter, baryogenesis, leptogenesis, cosmological constant or dark energy, flavour mixing etc. The frameworks they work are mostly supersymmetry, supergravity, extra dimensions and Grand Unified theories. In addition to model building, he is also interested in the theoretical aspects of these framework like Renormalisation group properties. Email:  vempati at iisc dot ac dot in 

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Sumilan Banerjee

theoretical condensed matter physicist and an Assistant Professor

The broad interest of his research group is to study the novel properties of strongly correlated quantum systems and to understand the interplay of interaction and disorder in many-body quantum dynamics. Email: sumilan at iisc dot ac dot in

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Supradeepa V R

Associate Professor at the Centre for Nanoscience and Engineering

His research interests include High Power Fiber Lasers, Nonlinear Optical Frequency Conversion, Integrated Photonics, Optical Frequency Combs and Metrology and High Bandwidth Optical Communications. Email: supradeepa at iisc dot ac dot in

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Sushobhan Avasthi

Associate Professor at the Centre for Nanoscience and Engineering

His research interests include high-efficiency perovskite thin-film solar cells, integration of semiconducting oxides to silicon, forming oxide/silicon heterojunction devices, functional oxide devices for applications such as photovoltaics, sensing, and memory, and integration of solar cell on novel substrates such as steel. His lab focuses on the design, fabrication and characterization of electronic devices. They are specialized in integrating different materials, e.g. silicon with metal-oxides and germanium with silicon and interested in studying the new functionalities and improved performance that such heterogenous integration may introduce.

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Sreedhara MB

Assistant Professor at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry

His research focus on the growth, design and discovery of new functional nanoscale and quantum materials for sustainable energy and quantum technologies. By combining solid-state chemistry, nanochemistry and crystal growth synthesis tools, the group envision to create coherent design of unconventional solids with precisely tuned structure, composition and functionality. By means of various advanced microscopic and spectroscopic tools his group investigates the structure and the nature of chemical bonding and bring insights into the structure-property relationship based on experimental findings and theoretical calculations. The specific interests are: structural aspects and symmetry breaking in solid-state materials; 2D layered materials and their Heterostructures; Inorganic nanotubes (INTs) and fullerenes (IFs); Topological Nanomaterials for Quantum Technologies. Email: sreedhara at iisc dot ac dot in

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Srimanta Middey

Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics

His research interests include emergent phenomena in oxide heterostructures, strongly correlated systems, metal-insulator transitions, superconductivity, magnetism, X-ray spectroscopy and scattering. His group explores various exotic electronic and magnetic phenomena such as superconductivity, metal-insulator transition, high mobility electron gas, spin liquid phase, and non-trivial spin texture. Email: smiddey at iisc dot ac dot in

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Srinivas Talabattula

Associate Professor of Electronics Communication Engineering

His research interest spans photonics integrated circuits, both theoretical and experimental, with application to optical communications and optical sensors. He is also interested in optical biosensors and quantum photonics. Email: tsrinu at ece dot iisc dot ernet dot in

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Soumyendu Raha

Professor in the Department of Computational and Data Sciences

His research interests include high-efficiency perovskite thin-film solar cells, integration of semiconducting oxides to silicon, forming oxide/silicon heterojunction devices, functional oxide devices for applications such as photovoltaics, sensing, and memory, and integration of solar cell on novel substrates such as steel. His lab focuses on the design, fabrication and characterization of electronic devices. They are specialized in integrating different materials, e.g. silicon with metal-oxides and germanium with silicon and interested in studying the new functionalities and improved performance that such heterogenous integration may introduce.

Email: savasthi at iisc dot ac dot in
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Utsav Banerjee

Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering

His research interests include cryptography, hardware security, digital circuits, embedded systems, quantum computation and machine learning. His research group is involved in the design and implementation of efficient software and hardware solutions for next-generation security applications such as post-quantum cryptography, computation on encrypted data, blockchain, side-channel security, circuit-level entropy generation, light-weight cryptography, end-to-end encrypted communications and authentication protocols. Email: utsav at iisc dot ac dot in

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Sujit Das

Assistant Professor Department of Material Research Centre

His research focus is the design and realization of next generation functional materials at atomic scale and their performance. His research areas are Ferroelectric/multiferroic topology on freestanding membranes, Spin manipulation in quantum ferroelectrics for quantum application and Quantum phenomena in oxide/oxinitride thin films/heterostructures. It covers aspect of fabrication of these materials at the atomic scale and integrate them into the devices and study their physical performance (including spin manipulation, magnetic, ferroelectric, dielectric, electronic transport etc and make them freestanding membranes for flexible electronic application) Email: sujitdas at iisc dot ac dot in

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Varun Raghunathan

Associate Professor of Electronics Communication Engineering

His research interest lies in experimental photonics with a major focus on non-linear optics, integrated optic, flat land photonic components, and optical microscopy. His research group works on the design, fabrication and experimental characterization of micro-/ nano-fabricated photonic devices. Email: varunr at iisc dot ac dot in

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Vibhor Singh

Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, IISc

The focus of his research is on superconducting devices based emerging quantum technology. Research in his lab spans a variety of activities such as cavity-opto-mechanics in microwave domain, superconducting materials for quantum devices, circuit-QED systems, superconducting qubit-based hybrid optomechanical systems.

Email: v dot singh at iisc dot ac dot in
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Vinod Sharma

Professor of Electronics Communication Engineering

His research interests are in the areas of Communication and Computer Networks, Wireless Communication, Sensor Networks, Queueing Theory, Information Theory and Statistical Estimation Theory. Email: vinod at iisc dot ac dot in

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Vivek Tiwari

Assistant Professor at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit

His group develops spectroscopic techniques and quantum dynamical models to understand ultrafast energy and charge delocalization on the nanoscale. Projects in his lab involve both experimental and theoretical components. Email: vivektiwari at iisc dot ac dot in

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Srividya Kumar

Technology Manager for IQTI

Prior to this role, she has worked as Grants Manager at the Office of Research Grants, IISc. She did her B.Tech in Bioengineering at SASTRA University, Thanjavur. In 2018, she completed her doctoral research training in Biospectroscopy from Inorganic & Physical Chemistry Department, IISc.

Email: ksrividya at iisc dot ac dot in
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Viswa Keerthy S

Project Coordinator

Before this role, he worked at the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka. He has good experience in the administration and management of research projects.  He is passionate about astronomy, and as an amateur astronomer, he likes to capture star-studded sky through his telescope. He did his M.Sc in Physics from Bangalore University. 

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Outreach Officer

Prior to this position, she worked as a Detailer at Brainstorm Infotech and WS Atkins Pvt Ltd. She graduated from the University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering with a Bachelor of Engineering (BE). Email: surabhin at iisc dot ac dot in

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