Quantum Research Park


To create & inspire scientific innovations in the field of Quantum Computing and related technologies.

The Indian Institute of Science aspires to deploy a dedicated effort to address key quantum technology challenges by establishing a framework to promote collaborations between physicists, material scientists, computer scientists, and engineers. IISc (Indian Institute of Science), the key institute instrumental in helping India develop past strategic missions (Indian nuclear technology and space technology programs were conceived and nurtured at IISc), has a multi-disciplinary research faculty interested in quantum science and technologies. Prior to the current interest in quantum technologies, IISc has played a pioneering role in the country for efforts to become self-reliant in areas of Condensed Matter Physics, Nanoelectronics, and Nanoscience.


Charting the Quantum Future

Join us on a quantum journey as we push boundaries and shape the future of quantum technology.

Skill development

  • Q-Karyashala  workshop
  • Start up and  industry collaboration 
  • Q-Daksha Internship program 
  • Popular science Talks

Research focus

  • Quantum Computation 
  • Quantum Communication 
  • Quantum Materials
  • Quantum Imaging 

Infrastructure Development

  • Closed cycle optical cryostat 
  • Quantum measurement and control systems
  • Continuous Tunable Laser
  • Pulsed ND Yag laser 


Create & inspire scientific innovations in the field of Quantum Computing and related technologies

Quantum Research Park, a Hub for Quantum Computing and related technologies is a project administered by FSID (Foundation for Science Innovation and Development), IISc with support from KITS (Karnataka Innovation and Technology Society), Government of Karnataka. QuRP will encourage scientific inventions & innovations in the field of Quantum Computing and related technologies. We envision creating QuRP to foster skill development, mentorship, and industry/startup collaborations in the domain of quantum technologies.

Q-Daksha Student Internship Program ​

Q-Daksha Student Internship Program



III /IV-year B.E/ BTech, I/II-year M.Sc./MTech students.

Exclusive for students from Karnataka Only


6-8 weeks (with appropriate stipend)


Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

A great opportunity for aspiring students to engage and witness Quantum Technology research at IISc.

Glimpses of Q-Daksha Student Internship Program 2023

Glimpses of Q-Daksha 2024


List of Awarded Proposals of Q-Pragathi

Sl. No.Name of the FacultyName of the InstitutionTitle of the Proposal
1Kaustav BhowmickPES University, BangaloreSurface-Based Quantum Information Processing: Topological Photonics based chip level Exploration of Quantum Correlation Beyond Entanglement and Study of Robustness to Environmental Turbulence. 
2Mohit P. TahilianiNIT, Surathkal, KarnatakaDesign, Development and Testing of a Quantum Network Simulation Module in ns-3 
3Pramoda Kumar NayakJain (Deemed to-be University), BangaloreIon irradiation induced atomic defects in van der Walls materials for single-photon emitters.  
4Rajeev Shesha JoshiCentral University of Karnataka, KalaburagiDevelopment and Characterization of Skyrmion Traps using Topological insulator/ ferromagnet Heterostructure Networks for Quantum Electronics  
5R Geetha Balakrishna Jain  (Deemed to-be University), BangaloreEngineering electrically-driven single-photon sources based on perovskite Quantum dots for Quantum Information Technology  
6SudhaKuvempu University, ShimogaEnhanced Precission and Noise Suppression using Permutation-Symmetric Multiqubit States for applications in Quantum metrology and Sensing
7Mohammad Rizwanur RahmanNIT, Surathkal, KarnatakaSingle Photon Detection in NIR Region with Rare Earth Element Doped Graphene Quantum Dots
8Dr. Sabitha MohanSri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence,   KalaburgiInvestigation of Plasmon-Exciton coupling in Quantum dot-Metallic nanoparticle Hybrid structure
9Gajanan V HonnavarPES University EC Campus, Bangalore Electrical Noise based Quantum Random number generator using quantum dots.


Q-Karyashala 2024

  • Pedological Talks by Renowned Experts
  • Lab Visits to Explore Quantum Applications
  • Hands-on sessions
  • Interactive session

Eligibility :

Senior undergraduate, postgraduate, and research students, faculties, and researchers from Karnataka, along with industry experts.


Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Collaborations through seed fund projects

Startup Collaboration

Industry Collaboration

International Collaboration

QuRP Co-Sponsors RPGR 2023 Conference


IQTI-Industry Conclave 2023

For queries, write to office.qurp@iisc.ac.in