Elevating Knowledge at IQTI

M. Tech. Program in Quantum Technology

Quantum Technology is a rapidly growing field world-wide. There is a recent push in this direction by the Government of India.

The National Mission on Quantum Technology and Applications (NM-QTA) is being set up, and it urgently requires a trained workforce. The central government budget (2020) announced a support of Rs. 8000 crores over five years to this field.

IISc has a vibrant community of researchers working in this field, spanning across both science and engineering faculty, and across many departments.Several faculty members offer courses related to quantum technologies in their individual capacity, and the M.Tech. program will bring them under one umbrella.

The program will train students in quantum technology, for both advanced research and advanced industry. The elective part of the program will equip students to acquire training in allied technology areas as well. The Entrepreneurship Seminar will encourage students to initiate start-ups in the field and help build a sustainable ecosystem.


Applications for admission to the M.Tech in Quantum Technology program are now open and will close on 23rd March 2025.

Applications for admission to M Tech in Quantum technology closed on 23 March 2024

518 applications were received, 121 candidates appeared for interview, 23 were students selected for the MTech program

Applications for admission to M. Tech. in Quantum Technology closed on 26 March 2023.

408 applications were received, 116 candidates were shortlisted, 59 candidates appeared for interview.

Applications for admission to M. Tech. in Quantum Technology closed on 22 March 2022.

352 applications were received, 132 candidates were shortlisted, 56 candidates appeared for interview.

Applications for admission to M. Tech. in Quantum Technology closed on 31 March 2021.

1153 applications were received, 289 candidates were shortlisted, 167 candidates appeared for interview.

Admission at M Tech. in Quantum Technology

1. Average Intake

20 students

3. Duration of the Program

2 years (4 semesters), as per IISc rules.

3. Entry Mode

GATE qualification in Engineering or Science, followed by an interview.

4. Accepted GATE papers


5. Admission Qualification

B.E/B.Tech./equivalent degree in any engineering discipline, or 4-year B.S./M.Sc./equivalent degree in any science discipline. In all cases, a valid GATE score and strong mathematical background will be required.

6. Scholarships and Fees

7. Host Department

This multi-disciplinary program will be formally hosted by the Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics. A program coordination committee (PCC) will look after the courses, the admission process and the interviews, and the student performance.

Areas of Study

This is a 2-year (4 semesters) course-based multi-disciplinary program, as per IISc rules, including a project at the end.
The program will have the following four thrust areas:
  • Quantum Computation and Simulation
  • Quantum Communications
  • Quantum Measurement and Sensing
  • Materials for Quantum Technologies

The students will opt for their area of interest after the first semester of common course work. Depending on their selected areas, they can choose the soft core and elective courses to consolidate their knowledge and expertise.

The courses will also be elective options for the students of the IISc Undergraduate Program.


Total Credits: 64 

Project Credits: 20
Hard core Credits: Min 18 -Max 21 

Soft core Credits- Min 6 -Max 26 

Elective Credits: Min 7-Max 64


  • Students will be encouraged to pursue an internship with an external organization (public or private) during the summer term after the second semester.
  • Students in the M.Tech. program may convert to a Ph.D. program as per IISc rules.


The following courses are listed under the hardcore pool:

E3 220 Foundations of Nanoelectronic Devices

IN 232   Concepts in solid state physics

NE 215 Applied Solid State Physics

NE 250 Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Societal Impact

QT 201 Survey of Quantum Technologies

QT 202 Introduction to Quantum Measurement

QT 203 Physics and Engineering Foundations for Quantum Technology

QT 204 Introduction to Materials for Quantum Technologies

QT 207 Introduction to Quantum Computation

QT 209 Introduction to Quantum Communications and Cryptography

QT 211 Basic Quantum Technology Laboratory


The following courses are listed under the softcore pool:

DS 211 Numerical Optimization

E0 213 Quantum Safe Cryptography

E0 217 Efficient and Secure Digital Circuits and Systems

E0 224 Computational Complexity Theory

E0 225 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

E0 230 Computational Methods of Optimization

E0 234 Introduction to Randomized Algorithms

E0 243 Computer architecture

E0 270 Machine Learning

E0 337 Topics in Advanced Cryptography

E2 206 Quantum Information Theory

E2 210 Quantum Error-Correcting Codes

E2 270 Quantum Information Theory

E3 231 Digital Systems Design with FPGAs

E7 211 Photonics Integrated Circuits

E7 214 Optoelectronics Devices

E8 202 Computational Electromagnetics

E8 304 Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Concepts and Applications

IN 232 Concepts in solid state physics

IN 252 Optical materials and devices

MR 303 Nanomaterials Synthesis and Devices



NE 203 Advanced micro and nanofabrication technology and process

NE 221 Advanced MEMS Packaging

NE 222 MEMS: Modeling, Design, and Implementation

NE 223 Analog Circuits and Embedded System for Sensors

NE 240 Materials design principles for electronic, electromechanical and

NE 241 Material Synthesis : Quantum Dots to Bulk Crystals

NE 310 Photonics technology: Materials and Devices

NE 315 Semiconductor devices for RF and microwave electronics

NE 320 Quantum Optics

PH 204 Quantum Mechanics II

PH 205 Math Methods of Physics

PH 206 Electromagnetic Theory

PH 207 Electronics I

PH 208 Condensed Matter Physics-I

PH 316 Advanced Mathematical Methods

PH 320 Condensed Matter Physics – II

PH 351 Crystal Growth, Thin films and Characterization

PH 359 Physics at the Nanoscale

PH 366 Physics of Advanced Optical Materials

QT 306 Advanced Quantum Computation and Information

QT 312 Advanced Quantum Technology Lab


Students are also free to choose electives from the existing IISc courses, based on their interests and employment opportunities, and in consultation with their supervisors.

 Course Syllabus

More details about the courses can be found in the Scheme of Instruction document.



Companies hired for Internship